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Table of contents

1 – 133 The Eagles I The Vehicle
2 – 134 Resonance with Divine 1Vibration
3 – 135 Rise of Phoenix from Ashes I Firebird
4 – 136 The Cosmic Egg I  Divine Potential
5 – 137 The Heart Opener  I Abolishment of Space and Time
6 – 138 The Inner Teacher
7 – 139 Dissolution of Spiritual Shock I Cosmic Wisdom
8 - 140 The Divine Bride
9 - 141 The Divine Bridegroom
10 – 142 The Butterfly Lightness of Being
11 – 143 The Lute I Angels of Joy
12 – 144 The Grail I Freedom

13 – 145 The Redeemed Soul I Dying I Kali
14 – 146 Catharsis I Fire of Purification I  Quetzalcoatl
15 – 147 The Decoding of   DNA
16 – 148 Birth of the Loving Heart
17 – 149 The Flight of the butterfly I Joy, Abundance, Motion
18 – 150 The Fountain of Life
19 – 151 Decent from Heaven to Earth I Reincarnation
20 – 152 Hatshepsut I Unity of male and female
21 – 153 The Eye of Horus I The Seeress
22 – 154 Thoth I The Healer
23 – 155 The Feathered Serpent I Quetzalcoatl
24 – 156 The Goddess of Water
25 – 157 Manitou
26 – 158 Mercurius I The Divine Messanger
27 – 159 Libertas I Goddess of Freedom
28 - 160 The Loving Heart
29 - 161 Grounded Cosmic Consciousness
30 – 162 Dynamics and power
31 - 163 Humility and Devotion
32 – 164 The Tree of Knowledge
33 – 165 The Divine Will I The Prophet

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